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Help achieve the environmentally friendly benefits of paper-free stockholder communication:
Sign up for e-Delivery of registered stockholder account documents and proxy materials through your stockholder account:
Contact your broker, trustee, bank or other nominee, if your shares are held by them on your behalf.
Sign up for email alerts to automatically receive corporate documents online, such as SEC filings and news releases.
Visit our website anytime for:
Voting your proxy via Internet or phone reduces administrative processing costs associated with the voting process.
Share ownership in book-entry form via the Direct Registration System eliminates risk of loss and allows for electronic transfers and stock sales without movement of stock certificates. Contact our transfer agent, Computershare, at 800-558-9663 for details.
Though not paper free, householding allows you to reduce printing and mailing costs by preventing multiple copies of proxy materials being sent to stockholders residing at the same address. Contact our transfer agent, Computershare, at 800-558-9663 for details. Contact your broker, trustee, bank or other nominee, if your shares are held by them on your behalf.